I miss when I went to Epcot with my mom and we went on Norway with my brother and she like is so small and is Chinese Indonesian so isn't like Japanese nor Korean, not white, and she looked at the lady in charge, who was supposedly Norwegian, having before seen remembering 3 or more times seeing people who had to be Norwegian and I may have known.., so this time she was big, pretty fat, and brunette, and my mom looked at her with such big eyes. You might be able to guess what she was thinking. She seemed offended but that she could hold it in. I dunno, it looked like she was thinking of the word, "Nigger," like, "What do I say?" but I forget. She used to tell me she was the fairest there, but that doesn't matter to anyone it's just a joke just a joke to anyone. Wow, people are really stupid. So, then, the girl lets us on the ride. You know what I'm thinking, but my dad happens to be American, as well as being born in Early Boom.. So, I was like sitting there with my big, like accomplished, triumphant sorta Dutch-sentimented face with all the English details, the German history in place, a personality behind me, intelligence, acceptance, pity-inducing for myself, very smart, versed in many aesthetics of other cultures. Wait, maybe I'm "really fat" and I'm still kinda like in a vacuum..
So, you can guess when this might have been, but I'm not really sure. I think Christmas 2010 we went to Magic Kingdom. It seems like the 2nd to last time. It's the next park we go to.
So, you can guess when this might have been, but I'm not really sure. I think Christmas 2010 we went to Magic Kingdom. It seems like the 2nd to last time. It's the next park we go to.