Tuesday, December 25, 2012

IMDb: Finding Nemo 2: Re: I always thought Part 2 should have focused on Dory.

Re: I always thought Part 2 should have focused on Dory.
  by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986   2 minutes ago (Tue Dec 25 2012 09:13:37)
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I'm guessing they made the part for her. I mean I can see them making it anyway. It makes you think Ellen DeGeneres isn't an individual. I mean, she's a bit negative. I found it quite a feat. I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I liked, and I don't really appreciate it. I don't really know much about it. I can sit here and think about what I feel about the feeling I remember. Finding Nemo is a funny name, Dory finding her voice. How did that happen? I guess she did it. I wonder why her voice is so ideal. It seems almost all there. I don't know why she wishes she had some other skill I also wish I still had. I wish I could see people I know attempt this.. I moved to where she was from, and I lost it, too. I think part of that is because people hate me. They make my mistakes seem so bad in private but on the front make me think I'm perfect when I'm not really bad but maybe have kinks where I had to cheat because of my race and like depending on my dad's racial supposed superiority. So, about Dory's weaknesses. Well, I've heard some people from L.A. complain. I guess maybe the more attractive ones. The New Orleans area and New Orleans itself moreso is a nice, featured place. I don't know how you could pick up on how I grew up. I mean, I've seen kids do it. Yea, I wish they would make it all about Dory and maybe just have the dad come in once or something.. She should act with Julie Andrews, have her come in as the long lost mom. Add Jackie Evancho for a pretend daughter. Some singers aren't really speakers. She must have people who have enjoyed her show through the years, maybe even some young people who have learned her. I wonder what it would be like to "play Dory" with her. There would be nothing to lose. I wonder how we can get in on her take of Dory now. Hope it's not sentimental. I wonder if anyone is big on Dory. I was big on The Emperor's New Groove. The little kids in my family and I would recite it, like in the car on vacation. I bet we could have been the best, but there may be more out there. It's given me queer feelings to wonder about something like this. I mean it wasn't stellar outta this world, kinda raw. Well, we're all mixed, in a way. I liked The Hobbit, but who can really sing those songs? I can't really sing "Happy Christmas War Is Over." I wonder if it's more about special people who like are into something she does I can't recollect at the moment, like what she was like all her life. I mean the different ways. I should buy Finding Nemo and try to record myself as Dory. Then, I can't buy aerobics, but I haven't bought it, anyway. Wish I could answer your question. *swims away*

merry christmas