Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Something Bothering Me

I got a funny feeling but have the belief it isn't this person's fault.  I was posting to who I thought was Tim Burton or ventured to realize it was probably another boy I spoke to online.  I tried to eat healthier, my dad even got me a turkey at the store to cook and he cooked it.  I got potatos, maybe sweet potatos, managed to cook them but now know how to really do it because I looked it up online, don't remember what else.  My parents had New England Clam Chowder for me, and I liked the little seafood.  I had biscuits.  I'm sure I had a vegetable or so.  I don't usually make cole slaw.  So, for some reason, the schedule became tight and I couldn't.  Also, I was online a lot and confused, like it was fast.  I felt these 2 things were caused by Johnny Depp.  He seems more contained, now, though, so it's okay.  I just hope this doesn't happen to anyone else.  This was October or November 2009.  I was pressured to check all these IMDb accounts that were supposedly Tim Burton.  There were like 300 of them.  They seemed to stop when I slept, you know some.  So, the bad thing is my female thing seems like slim to none.  I came home from college, and it was really thick and didn't hurt and felt so magical.  It was thick before, but it hurt.  In the mental institute, I think it wasn't as thick, but I don't remember well the difference.  Another funny thing is when I saw the poster for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005 summer 2004, I thought this idea existed that I should stay home and not go to college and just post online, in hopes of a better future with what my life had been and probably about getting in movies.  Also, I don't like how Helena Bonham Carter gets so mad when some people or just me or people who make me who I am are interested in Tim Burton because he's advertised an interest to the world.  I can't believe how difficult it is with all the people I deal with.  I can't even relax, and I keep hearing little clicks and like squeaks.  What if the sounds become dangerous?  They were suicidal before, like when I was walking around my college campus.  Isn't it funny how I've been reduced to nothing by those around me in vengeance, like I have no dignity?  Also, why is Tim Burton acting uptight and snooty about what I post about him when I find him rather boring?  Racist, needless to say.  He's a wild animal, like every other famous person.