Monday, December 24, 2012

Caring About Younger Generations

Why would you care about younger people with more young parents?

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Early Boom

Ellen DeGeneres can't say I'm my dad because he's born in 1950. I will *beep* you all.

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I was going there but decided to go somewhere else.

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Bad Suggestion

I don't like the suggestion I'm a nigger in Florida so much when I'm from here. It has to be Tim Burton.

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I guess Catholic schools were such an unacademic hassle that I'd shoulda transferred.

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Merry Christmas!

*cracks whip*

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See you all, a little later...

Ho Ho Ho - Meeewy Cwismas

Getting Ready to Go

Cyber Media

What do you think about Generation Z tweens being influxed with invites to use modern cyber media, today?

Did you notice that other people are not feeling welcome, today?

Things Adding Up

Wow, things add up.  I looked at a Tweet of Ellen DeGeneres, and she sees the same things I see coming from a certain kind of area of the country.

Did you see the secret clue on my show today? I'll give you a hint. It rhymed with Blight Bopper Nettles.


I tagged my last post, "Social Networking."

TV Show Host and Cyber Media

So, Ellen DeGeneres won?  She's obsessed with iPhones|cellphones, showing pictures of texting, and now with video-ing herself when she goes out?  Okay, as long as you're not near where you live.

I was busy, from the area where she's from, had moved there when I was younger, and I didn't think to text to a blog, so much.  I didn't really leave the house all that much since a certain time since.  Also, Blackberry, which is what I have, doesn't have a Blogger app.  So, what I do is I now publish my posts from my mobile blog.  I saved the page, have to click to download it, then I go to another page and upload it, then I take off the option to comment (in most all cases, all so far,) and then I publish them.  There's a text in the post that says it was sent by so and so, AT&T and maybe Blackberry..  So, I also have to say I'm leaving when I'm home, now, started doing it on my cell phone.  Each time I leave, I post a link to that blog.  Wait, why?  Because I might exceed the limit of, around, 50 posts.

Let me get this, she's into texting and Tweeting..  F.Y.I., at 1 point, I used Twitter for fun when I went out.  I was never like a big Twitter person, but people like that my last name sounds like a bear and I am someone who is now active online with a long time of experience, considerably considering time itself.  I think I have 1 friend with a locked Twitter account.  So, about video-ing herself rather than texting, she didn't even post videos of her casually talking.  That makes for not much flexibility.  I know I, at 1 point, put separate videos of me not dressed up, "without makeup," though I used to not wear makeup so I'd look like a child or a boy.

So, there aren't an infinite amount of words.  I guess you could use Google Translate or learn Swedish.  You could use words like poetry, but that's not as infinite as the possibilities of Paint.  I like Paint because you can make figures that aren't so detailed and don't draw so much foreign attention.  Well, you'd notice things like what you eat, when you wake up, what you dream about.  There are lots of social issues.  For instance, you know that something will happen to Twitter, 1 post.  However, you know you can write long texts of thoughts incorporating a rather large plethora of activity.  I know I come on, and there isn't much to do.  I know there are lots of words out there that can be woven in.  I know there are more elaborate ways of speaking.  That's for certain, something I used to do a lot, like in school and e-mail and when I was writing in a notebook, which "wasn't very good."  Still, what more do I have, like that, now?  I took off the real world.  Something must have happened.  I thought it was not going to school.


Ellen DeGeneres thinks that you should have to like say you thought about how a non-Asian looked Asian, you should look like that, too.  Just because you felt a feeling that wasn't like you were totally sad.  That's not really normal, and I don't know if it's genuine.  I wonder if that means Asians aren't from Asia millions or thousands of years ago..  The earliest record I've come across of humans was in Spain, 12 million years ago, African 7 million.  I had thought Spain was an old country, but I read it, too.  You know, it seemed old, but it didn't technically register in my brain.

She's just following racist inklings of uptight, obese, older men, toward their non-white daughters|children.  She's mad she's older but excited to hurt you in front of Early Boom.  She's not pretending, she does it a lot.  It might seem like something everyone does, but it's not.  Also, most people probably have Jewish last names and you don't know from which sides.  The reason I'm not sure I care if she's Irish is because I know there are mixed English.


Why does Ellen DeGeneres think everything has to be positive, like, on your part, that critical things get in the way?  Like, let's see, what did I just say?  I don't even remember what I said that was something that other people have said.  It was something specific that was suggested.

I just got another message, someone I know was knocked out like me, just because I talk about that stuff on my blog because people are afraid of offending people like my dad, who is, not in a related way necessarily in most aspects, afraid of "offending.." his mom.


"Don't bite the hand that feeds you."  I know parents from the 40s are worked up about other people not being positive, not setting things up to work out, not believing that things are meant to work out, that you deserve the glory you've attained.


Update, so, Ellen DeGeneres is antsy about the n word thing.  *Beep*  So is my dad.  So is everyone who knows me.  What does that say?  Peeing in your pants over Johnny Johnny Johnny Depp?


I keep hearing annoying outbursts from outside my room, would only be my dad, even from the outside.  He is whining about "what his mommy lets him do to me."


I had to take a cough drop.  Even my nostril feels like it has a sore throat


Why am I being haunted by my dad's oldest sister's supposed inklings, his mom, and himself?

How I'm Feeling

I want to go back to bed.  I just vacuumed, didn't smell dog hair but got the sniffles and my throat is a little crackly.  I bet I was made a little sick because of the experiment and not getting sick from the medicine I used to take and vitamin C I've been trying to take every day and used to successfully, have been the past few days.


I got more messages.  My dad gave me a bottle of orange hand soap and something I asked him for before, a hot pink can of shaving cream.  He was supposed to get me cotton balls.

Also, I woke up again to some clicks, trying to recollect my dream.  Suddenly, I couldn't feel as much from my blanket.  I could feel like before but not like now.  It happened to occur to me that it was a bit tacky before, but it was something I did.  I was Tweeting and came across the idea of chosing 1 thing and don't even care about "what I said."


I remember I was at a class, reminded me of ballet.  I think it was like drama, too, maybe.  Something happened, something disrupted, and I think kids got mad.  So, I was going home.  I was with my mom.  It was at a community college, I think the minor, kinda fancy, goody-good one.  It was like a big, dim room with a mirror.  I had a certain relationship with the teacher.  She was kinda plain, with black short hair and light skin, small frame but not very very thin, a little stout but more thinned out, too.  So, I went to the other, big college, in the office.  I think I thought I was at the other college.  I talked to some people in the office.  I came in and ran into a lady who seemed theatrical, not very very healthy, a little fatter than my teacher.  I told her I liked my teacher at the other college but was looking to take class there in art, music, or theater, thinking of art|s 1st.  So, I flipped through a pretty big catalog.  I came to Ginny Kopf, a theater teacher, but supposedly she taught theater at the other college and somewhere else or other places.  There were pictures taking up like most of the catalog it seemed of her teaching, just showing some of her, noticing some of her face, not sure what she was doing, like playing in some big pipes.  Then, I saw like a medium-sized box with washcloths, kinda dry and wrinkled only folded over once.  It was for the college, like Toys for Tots.  Then, I saw another bigger box with towels folded and maybe hand towels and wash cloths, folded in the same manner but just there.  It was like she appeared there and said something about how she folds towels.  Oh, yea, and she only was teaching Chinese History at that college.  I had the idea I saw a picture of her face and maybe some of the top of her body looking down near where I read that.

Lying Down

Falling Asleep, Soon, Maybe Sleeping My Computer.. Yea

Talking to Smart People

I wonder why Ellen DeGeneres wants to talk to smart people of the Early Boom cultural strata.

Leaving a Note

I thought I left off on a good note with people I knew.  People think that their lives are governed by others but forget that people don't believe that at all yet still rub it in your face because they've had a word in, edgewise.  (I think "edgewise" is an English term.)

Getting Down With Jews

I guess people in Harvard at the turn of the century didn't like what the Jews thought of them, sorta blew them away like they were dust.

I wonder why I can't get down and not worry about someone I'm related to programming me.  When I'm not around people I'm related to, I find that I'm around people who don't really have the same achievements.

I find that Ellen DeGeneres expects me to pick up after her.  I wonder who else does something like that rather successfully.  Well, the result is interesting.

Dipping in My Make-Believe Shell

Why do you dip in and want me to not be as good as I was, as your pleasure.  Is there some thing you don't have you want?  Like, you wish you were born in Southeastern Florida or Miami Beach?

Also, I was thinking, why would I want to come out of my shell only to be fried to death?

Following the Rules of Others

Why doesn't Ellen DeGeneres follow the rules or her minions?

Also, the issue with having a point and not backing it up is that it's important and that the result is what's best.


You can comment on my last post.

How You Feel Other Things

So, because of watching Ellen DeGeneres, I've had to explode at the thought of me feeling something that "isn't really what I'm thinking."  However, the issue is the issue.  I mean, there's an issue, and the issue certainly isn't the way I juggle what I think I feel and feeling in some way it's real but it's not, not some thing you can solve.  It's because of other people.  It's an issue, and it's just a way to think and feel pleasure.  Pleasure doesn't seem to be real other than technical things, for me.  I mean, there's more to it then that.  I'm not sure exactly what the idea is.


So, when you dip in and say it's alright, does that mean things will be alright.

Hurting Me

Why would you 1st hurt me and then say it was okay?

No One Talks to Me

No one wants to talk about how they feel about my mom to me.

Replacing Things

So, Helena Bonham Carter is supporting Nell Burton to replace people my age.  The only problem with that is her father isn't actually that nice and neither is she.

If You Ask Me 2

It seems Ellen DeGeneres is reaching into Nell Burton to not be nice to me, when I didn't ask her to.


I came home and lie on my sofa and for some reason saw something so other-worldly, like minute, like it wasn't even real, things I've thought I've seen, that just was there, kinda like the other-worldly noises, a line of like a whisp of air, like of the weather like it had sucked out of me and traveled, like after some disturbing thought to do with Ellen DeGeneres torturing me.

And that's not how you spell wisp...

New Person

New Tag

Posts You Can Comment On

New People

You'll see them clustered.

With All the Outcasts

Why do I have to be with all the stupid people?

What about my right to be a fan of Ellen DeGeneres, Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp?


I tagged my last post "Places" and "Dining" and the one before "Dining."

I wonder if I'd eat here.

They have real ice cream shakes.


Check out this article.

From turtle soup to bread pudding souffle, is ultimate dining. dishes on a classic:

New Person

New Orleans Online

Christmas Present

For Ellen DeGeneres

Learn 2 Type

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

Then, you can get an account at Blogger and YouTube.


I tagged that last post, "To: Ellen DeGeneres."


I tagged my last post, "Social Networking."

Talk Show Host

I guess Ellen DeGeneres went on a break.  Today is Monday, right?  That's good.  So, is she with her mom?  She didn't say what she was doing nor if she was spending time for herself.  I kinda think it's good if she stays off Twitter, might not know what to say and will get an influx of response from fans there that don't say much.  She should really create a blog forum.  I wonder if there's like a place she can go to talk to people online.  She said she was at the mall.

An Interesting Story to Tell

Something interesting is on IMDb someone said my father has been arrested.  I've been leaving litter over at P1.  So, I answered that poster.  There was another post I found wasn't addressed to me.  I had just uncovered the secrets of the universe!  8D  Like, the history of mankind, a discovery of hominids in Spain in 12 million years ago in 2009.

A Tacky Thing

Do you think I'm like a giant sorta doing puny things trying to be like a tween in 2007?  I guess the only problem is that a lot of people younger than me always seem to melt at being sorta more than built-up physique that you yearn for from the 1980s.  I don't really know that people older than me embody that spirit.


I edited my tPatF post.  I hid some of the text.

Mixed Jews Having Things Under Control

What do you think about Jews mixed with European thinking oh I think there was a feeling there of being settled and having things under control?  Isn't it more a technical issue you discuss?  It's not something you just do.

Serious Matter

Did you ever think Ellen DeGeneres would attempt to put her nose in serious things like thinking people matter to others?  Talk about Late Boom.

Facebook Post


So, why do some people make their statement that they're better than you?  How can that be okay?  I mean consider it in some sensitive thing.

Also, why do people like Tim Burton want certain white people to enjoy feeling certain glories, like sorta fantasizing about the reality of a situation?  I mean, you have to touch on some topics, sometimes.


I edited my last post, "To: Ellen DeGeneres."


I edited the title of my last post.


So, I was thinking, The Princess and the Frog was made for Ellen DeGeneres.  I was hoping it wasn't because I started online June 25, 2007.  I mean, other people from New Orleans could have also been an influence.  Britney Spears is another...  So, let's see, that's only 2½ years.  Did you notice that Ray the Firefly dies and that Tim Burton's son's middle name is Ray or Raymond?  He becomes a star.  I thought that would just be something cute but a little weird.  Maybe, it was the story.  I wonder where they got the art ideas.  I wonder if that's what art in New Orleans is like.  If you want to know, I posted some tracings of 101 Dalmatians.  They were enlightening.

I felt taken aback because I wanted to be physical like people I've seen born in 1957-1961.  I don't see why it has to be offensive.

If you were wondering why people tag people for like security even if they're unpopular it's because they're already at risk in society, highly, like personality-wise.  It's hard to say like I'm from the New Orleans area like Ellen DeGeneres because what more could you dream for?  Everyone goes to L.A. and Florida.  If I could only live in 1 place, though, that might not be it.

Why wouldn't someone like Tim Burton think it's best to reach goals, like have successful people from the same area?  I already realized, like totally, how special it was and how it wasn't what's important but that the nitty gritty is really some shit.  Well, for me, it is.  I don't really know what it was like before, but I liked high school.  I changed to public school.  I mean, I could find out or think of it.


What Singers Eat

I wonder what Jackie Evancho and Anne Hathaway eat and why. I know it's cool not to cook. I'm eating beef and the more abstract and green vegetables, now.

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The cold

grows old.

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See you all, a little later...


I added a tag to my last post, "Eureka."

Siding With the Underdog

Isn't the whole problem that others aren't like as competent in being like cool incorporating in a positive way, that they don't practice it, that people tell them they're bad, like for siding with the underdog?

IMDb: Tim Burton: Re: Alice in Wonderland a low point,

Re: Alice in Wonderland a low point,

  by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986   24 seconds ago (Mon Dec 24 2012 01:21:31)
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply

I don't know, he's just going downhill moralistically. I mean, every movie will have the notion that he's punishing the children of Early Boom. No one cares, anymore, because they know they weren't winning. They think hurting people will do away with them. I mean, that's the outcome. Even, if not, he'll have these annoying fans taking over the boards and dividing posters by race and intelligence. They'll just "shoot the c **." Then, he'll judge based on what he sees online.

As for Johnny Depp, I think he was looking rather taken aback yet overly probed into. Wow, that totally doesn't make sense. He's supposed to be taken back, yet he's supposed to be something else. No one cares. Other people want to come online and post about him.

Yes, you should notice that their kids are being treated better, not being made to feel guilty for being poor and borrowing money, like from parents. I mean, consider why someone would need to borrow money. It's not "all the same." That's impossible. See, we were supposed to either go to school and become a scholar, work, or become a Hollywood performer or like work your way up through modeling or tech. You could also stay home. I'm not really sure what's so funny about borrowing money from your parents, to begin with. I don't really care about poor people.

I dunno, guess he has to hire a writer of think of a movie to write or have someone write for him. I hope he has a good idea, has done more streamlined, yet under the wing films. I know we're supposed to also think of ideas. Did you see his Facebook, he did a lot of work to do something not very known featuring a few people over and over. I think he's become a bit rough and violent. He just cares about his daughter, for some reason. A lot of fathers don't. That's a fact. She's Latino and has a lot of non-"European" blood. The fact she isn't Irish doesn't total the entire idea. She got her opportunity. Everyone is being subject to "what" they are. I mean, really, what is the world morally about? Who is being comforted and doesn't do any "work?"

I'm really into remakes. I don't know if I want to see him direct someone like Mia Wasikowska or Chloƫ Grace Moretz. Ellen DeGeneres interacted finally with an interesting motley. They seemed to take the stage, racially. I wanted to get a bachelor's degree and study Communications and work with Tweens for Disney Junior. He could even go on like a fancy categorized show with dim lights (not that bright lights are out of the question) and interact with people. You could even interact with some of the same people more than once. It would be nice to know who has a young father but not like too young. The funny thing is he likes blue eyes and white hair. He must be upset because his hair is black and his eyes are dark. Maybe, he doesn't like kids. I know that people of old styles are nice. I guess what's most fascinating is to see how Ellen DeGeneres sparks up at the thought of tween girls.

Well, there are lots of movies out there that most older people recognize. Any would do. I guess people realize that The Wizard of Oz as a remake would be something like Mary Poppins or The Sound of Music. I wonder if the U.S. will do a new Mary Poppins. Too bad there aren't many characters in it, but Mary Poppins is a classic-interest figure and is very European and nice. I bet Camelot is another good one. A lot of men would like to be in it. I'm not sure if there are any kids in the original, but I don't know if they could add some in. I mean, they'd have to have a role. I think Julie Andrews was in Camelot. I just hope they uncover some young, developed talent or pleasing personalities. I've already seen 1 or 2, but I don't have record. I haven't seen anything very deep. Hm, it must be very easy to raise at the nuts and bolts if you wished it. I know Julie Andrews has a blood daughter and a grandchild. Her granddaughter is 9. I guess that maybe for some reason she's her own person but maybe becoming more like her. See, it's about finding new people. I looked online, probably not enough, but I don't know of what's going around. I guess we'd have to find out. I wanted in on this profession, as well as as a performer.

I agree, though, if Tim Burton were young and kicking back, another Planet of the Apes or Mars Attacks! or any of his classics would be quite a trip down memory lane. I bought all his DVDs. I like the commentary and bonus features. I get the strange feeling Helena Bonham Carter has to express hatred only for certain people, like me or people "close" to me, for being interested in him, like I'm competition. It's like because I'm not famous it's not okay. I tried to be an actor, but I'm glad I didn't make it so I could learn to eat better, in another way, similar in ways to things I thought or at least 1 way before.. I mean, it may just be some disagreement, but what's happening to me? Race! I don't have any problems with race. What else do I have to suggest that needs to be suggested, that I want to be aesthetic and have certain of any array of racial preferences, which all others may center on in desire?

From now on, our troubles will be miles away


Julie Andrews




Lo Hopes

Maybe, Ellen DeGeneres hopes you think something bad.  I noticed that from before she was different, but I haven't seen many people who were that into her especially.  I don't know why she is so literal like Tim Burton, but I kinda disapprove of that.  I guess I'm just in some boat with no real direction in life.


So, I keep getting annoying messages that are supposedly sent, programmed, directed, ordered by Ellen DeGeneres, or she is involved and relays approval.

Anyway, so, I know that she doesn't want you to get away with anything.  However, I ran into that she wants to like in the end say okay I'm through with you.  I think that's how life goes, and it's probably not a good experience to go on her show.  I know I Tweeted her earlier and then watched her show, maybe not the best circumstance.  I've seen her some on YouTube.  I know to see her or Tim Burton you were supposed to originally be ready, I know for Tim Burton like it seems different now.  I know it was also like important that you see them.  The only problem would be if you can't or if you're too old, like I know too old for Tim Burton's animations.  I never thought of it that way, though.  I kinda waited to do anything.


Why does Ellen DeGeneres only care about people who have sung professionally since age 3, yet, she, herself, doesn't engage in the arts, as far as I know?



the leftover hamburger with ketchup and a thin rye bun, need to toast my buns
2 hot dogs with ketchup and wheat buns
(The ketchup has an ice skating logo, ice skates with a tomato tied to the back.  ;D  ;D  ;D  ha HAHA HAHA)
I had my grandma's candy, 1st.  (1 piece each of peanut butter fudge, a cookie candy with marshmallows and some kind of nut that was stronger this time which I didn't really like tasting now, and a buckeye - She gives lots of gingerbread cookies|men but haven't even had any, this time)
a few of what was left of some whole mushrooms, uncut

I also boiled eggs and plan to have it with my Italian grain bread, sliced from the bakery, and as a salad.  Not putting in onions.  Put in mayonnaise and salt and pepper.

Racial Joys

Do you assume if someone's not all white they don't deserve to be happy in any minute way, like say if they're Asian or maybe honing in on the Chinese, like for their strength?

Look who's denied their invitation.  Gonna even acknowledge me?

Why do you think people my age are prestigious bombs waiting to happen?  Why not just lock them up?  **** the living daylights ***** **.

Oh, then, who will I talk to.  I'm not gonna sit here and act like everyone's better than me and act like that's just a simple forceful idea.

No Morals

Do you know about people with no morals?  People who think they know the answer to everything and that it's just to hurt you and say there's reasons and you don't really know?  You kinda really know but see they won't get out of your life.